humidifier not increasing humidity

Humidifier not increasing humidity? Don’t fret this article has all the answers! 

Raising the humidity of your home with a humidifier can help mitigate many problems, from dry skin to sinus problems. 

Using a humidifier can make it feel more comfortable inside during cold months.

However, you may have been using your humidifier for some time now but aren’t noticing any difference in indoor humidity levels.

First, check the water tank of your humidifier and make sure there is enough water in it for proper operation. If there is not enough water, it won’t be able to create enough moisture for you.

Why Can’t Get Humidity Above 30? – Here Are Some Reasons And Solutions

get humidity above 30

Despite purchasing a humidifier, you feel as though the humidity isn’t increasing.

Even though your humidifier has been running for a while, the humidity sensor only shows a slight rise in humidity.

There are several reasons why the humidity in the room doesn’t rise

Reason #1: Poor Ventilation 

The first thing to do is check the ventilation. Do you have an air conditioner, that can sometimes draw in more humid air than it releases back out? 

Then check the vents and make sure you’re not drawing in humid air from somewhere else, like your yard or basement.

Reason #2: The Heater Is Too Close To The Unit 

Check to see if your heater is too close to your furnace. This will cause extra humidity within the house and will keep it from rising.

Reason #3: Too Many Windows Open

A lot of people don’t realize that they need a balance between being cold and being warm

windows are open

If they have a lot of windows open, they’re going to feel colder than if they only had one open.

This can cause your furnace to overwork, which will lead to higher humidity.

Reason #4: Your Air Conditioner Is Too Cold

The most common cause of low humidity at home is your air conditioner is too cold.

This can happen if your vents aren’t sealed properly, or if they’re not as powerful as they should be. 

If this happens, then it’s time to get out that can of hairspray and start sealing those vents up!

You’ll want to keep them closed while they are being used so that all the moisture can escape from inside and outside.

Note: The moisture should escape instead of staying trapped inside when it shouldn't!

Reason #5: Your Air Conditioner Doesn’t Have A Drain Line

If you don’t know what a drain line is, it’s basically just a pipe that goes from your AC unit to the ground.

air conditioner

This allows all of the excess water to be drained out of it instead of staying inside and causing leaks or damage.

Note: If you don't have a drain line, then get one ASAP because they're super important!

Reason #6: Your Air Conditioner Is Too Hot

Another common cause of low humidity at home is your air conditioner is too hot. This can happen if there’s not enough cold air coming out of the vents

It can also happen if there are small holes in them that let warm air escape outside instead of inside.

If this happens, then it’s time to get out those cans of hairspray again and seal up those vents!

Reason #7: You Have A Leaky Humidifier 

If you’re using a humidifier, then there may be a leak somewhere in the system. It could be either with your water tank or the pipes themselves. 

This will cause moisture to get into other parts of your home and not just where it’s supposed to be.

humidifier not increasing the humidity

Humidifier Not Increasing Humidity? – Here’s How To Fix

If you’re using a humidifier, chances are you’ve heard that it should be used to increase the humidity in your home. 

But you may find yourself struggling to get any moisture at all. Is your humidifier not raising humidity?

Here are some things to check out before calling it quits

Step #1: Make Sure That Your Humidifier Is Turned On

First, make sure that your humidifier is turned on and working properly. If it’s not set up properly, it may not be able to increase humidity effectively. 

Adjust the humidifier’s settings.

Some humidifiers have a humidity level control that allows you to adjust the humidity level in your home. 

Make sure that the humidifier is set to the appropriate humidity level for your home.

make sure humidifier is on

Step #2: Check The Water Tank Of Your Humidifier

Check the water level in the humidifier’s tank. If the tank is empty or nearly empty, refill it with clean water. 

A humidifier needs enough water in it for proper operation.

If there is not enough water, it won’t be able to create enough moisture for you.

Step #3: Make Sure You’re Using Distilled Water In Your Humidifier

Make sure you’re using distilled water in your humidifier.

The tap water that comes from your faucet might have minerals that will cause your humidifier to stop working properly.

Step #4: Clean Up The Water Tank

Try cleaning out the water tank with vinegar or baking soda (no chemicals).

This will help remove any build-up of minerals or other gunk in the tank that could prevent it from working as well as it should. 

clean the water tank

Make sure that the humidifier is clean and free of any mineral deposits or other contaminants.

If the humidifier is dirty, it may not be functioning properly.

Step #5: Try Changing The Filter Of Your Humidifier

Check the humidifier’s filter, if it has one. 

If the filter is clogged or damaged, it may be preventing the humidifier from working properly. 

If that doesn’t work, try changing out the filter on your humidifier.

If it’s possible to remove the filter from your unit, then go ahead and replace it with a new one (or even better, change out both filters at once!). 

You’ll need to make sure that the new filter has been cleaned thoroughly, so no bacteria or mold gets inside of it!

Note: If none of these tips helped, you might want to call an electrician for help.

How Long To Raise Humidity In House?

raise humidity in house

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. One way to measure humidity is by measuring relative humidity. 

And this is a ratio of how much water vapor there is to how much water vapor the air can hold. 

The saturation of water vapor in the air depends on temperature and pressure. 

The time it takes for humidity to rise in a house varies depending on where one lives. 

It equally depends on the outside environmental conditions such as temperature, wind, precipitation, and sun exposure.

The length of time it takes to raise humidity will depend on the level of humidity you are trying to achieve.

It will also rely on how powerful the system is and how much moisture there is in the air already.

Are There Some Factors That Determine This?

factors determine humidity

Some factors like temperature and insulation can affect how long it will take to raise humidity.

The higher the temperature, the more humidifying capacity per hour. 

A room will begin to feel humidified by a humidifier in 10 to 15 minutes, but it will take three to 24 hours for the humidity to reach a comfortable level.

Tip: The size and dryness of the air in the room have an impact on how long it takes.

How Can I Increase The Effectiveness Of My Humidifier?

Humidifiers are a great way to keep your home comfortable during the winter, but they can also be kind of wasteful.

If you’re using a humidifier that’s not working quite as well as you’d like, it may be because of a few simple things you can do to make it more effective. 

increase humidity at home

Here are our top tips for using your humidifier more efficiently:

Clean It 

A lot of times, people don’t clean their humidifiers because they think they’ll have an easier time just replacing the filter and putting it back on again. 

But if there are any particles stuck in the filter, those particles will stop the water from evaporating properly. 

Particles will even cause your air to feel worse than before.

So make sure that you take time to clean out all of the gunk that’s stuck inside this machine before you put it away for another day.

Clean Or Change The Filter Regularly

If you don’t clean your humidifier’s filter regularly, mold and bacteria can build up in there and cause it to stop working properly. 

To clean it out: remove the cover (be careful!), squeeze any excess water out of the filter, then replace it and turn on the humidifier again.

change filter

Cover All Windows In Your Home

If possible, cover any windows in your home with screen panels or curtains so that light doesn’t get in when your humidifier is running. 

This will also help to keep rooms warm by blocking out some of the heat coming from outside through windows or doors/windows

Avoid Using Tap Water With Too Much Chlorine

Avoid using tap water with too much chlorine or chloramine in it.

If you’re using a filter, try filtering your water first before putting it in the humidifier. This will help remove any unwanted chemicals that might be present.

Don’t Let Your Moisture Levels Drop Too Low

If you leave your humidifier running all night with no problems, then the odds are good that everything will work out just fine.

air moisture
Tip: However, if things start getting too dry, then consider turning them off.


Is your humidifier not increasing humidity? Try replacing the water in your humidifier. 

If there are mineral deposits and scum on the sides and bottom of the reservoir, it can be more difficult for your humidifier to put out moisture.

The bottom line is that humidifiers are easy to use, offer many benefits to homeowners, and can give you all the moisture you need in your home. 

No matter how your humidifier works, you should be aware of how to keep it working properly.