what wind speed is dangerous for school buses

If you know what wind speed is dangerous for school buses, only then would you be able to take precautions.  

Many school buses are not designed to drive in strong winds. But there is no legal definition for what that means. 

It’s important to note that the wind speed at which your bus becomes unsafe can be affected by other factors.

Wind is a common weather phenomenon that can affect bus operations and winds of more than 40 miles per hour (64 km/h) are considered dangerous for school buses. 

So drivers need to be aware of the hazards they pose and how they affect their driving.

Can Wind Speed Be Dangerous For School Buses?

is wind speed dangerous

Wind speed can be dangerous for school buses, particularly if it is strong enough to cause the bus to lose control or tip over. 

School buses are designed to be sturdy and stable, but they can still be affected by strong winds, especially if they are driving through an area with gusty winds or if the winds are strong enough to push the bus off course.

It is important for school bus drivers to be aware of the wind conditions when driving and to take precautions to ensure the safety of the students on board. 

For example, the driver may need to slow down or take a different route if the winds are too strong. 

It is also important for school bus drivers to be aware of the signs of wind gusts.

In general, it is best to avoid driving a school bus in windy conditions if possible.

But if it is necessary to do so, it is important to be cautious and to follow proper safety procedures to ensure the safety of the students on board.

Why High Wind Speed Can be Dangerous For School Buses

The high profile of school buses means they are affected by crosswinds more than other vehicles. 

Crosswinds can cause the bus to drift off course or sway, which can be dangerous for students and teachers on board. 

high wind caused school bus to drift

In general, the higher the wind speed, the better it is to keep your child at home when it’s windy.

The Federal Highway Administration recommends not driving in 50-mile-per-hour winds because of their potential for causing damage to vehicles and infrastructure. 

Some of the possible reasons why are:

Reason #1: High Winds Can Restrict Visibility

You may have heard that wind can cause dust, snow, and rain to obscure vision.

high winds cause snow to cover bus

It’s true! High winds can also blow objects into the road.

For example, trees that have been weakened by a storm are more likely to fall in high winds than when there’s no wind at all.

Trees falling on buses or other vehicles could cause serious damage.

Reason #2: Increased Stopping Distance

You might be wondering why increased stopping distance is dangerous.

When you’re driving in high winds and the bus has to brake hard, it can cause a lot of trouble for drivers and passengers. 

The driver will have less time to react to an emergency like a sudden stop or crash because they’re concentrating on keeping their vehicle from skidding out of control. 

In addition to this increased stopping distance, there’s also an increased risk of injury due to being thrown off balance by sudden braking forces or swerving. 

The bus may find itself swerving around trees and other objects while driving at high speeds

Tip: If you're thinking about buying one of these school buses for your child's education needs but want some peace of mind, I assume by now you know what to do

Reason #3: Road Damage Is More Likely

damage to the road by school bus and high wind

If the wind is high enough, school buses can do more damage to roads than cars. 

That’s because they’re heavy and their tires are designed to turn corners at higher speeds than cars. 

Wind may also be able to break down traffic signals or cause them to malfunction, which could lead to accidents if someone doesn’t see the light change before turning into an intersection. 

When there are high winds, school buses should not operate.

Tip: If the wind speed is greater than 40 miles per hour (mph), a school bus may be overturned and cause injury to the occupants or damage to equipment.

What Wind Speed Is Dangerous For School Buses?

Wind speed is only one factor when determining if driving conditions are safe for school buses.

In fact, it’s quite possible for a driver who takes his or her eyes off the road for just one second during a storm to have an accident.

35 Miles Per Hour Can Be A Dangerous Wind Speed

35 mph limit

The maximum wind speed for takeoff and landing is 35 miles per hour. 

This is the FHA’s definition of a “dangerous” wind, but it isn’t a legal definition.

Also, when it comes to bridges and overpasses, the government allows you to drive with up to 50 mph winds. 

But only if your vehicle weighs less than 10 tons or has an engine displacement of more than 15 liters (4 gallons).

If you’re driving in a school bus or other large vehicle that can carry more than 25 passengers at once. 

Then there are even fewer restrictions on how fast you can go. 

As long as your bus doesn’t have any passengers sitting on top of it at any given time, then it’s okay for them just about anywhere!

The FHA Recommends 50 Mile Per Hour Winds

The Federal Highway Administration recommends not driving in 50-mile-per-hour winds. 

Wind damage is highest on bridges and overpasses, which means that school buses are particularly susceptible to crosswinds. 

The high profile of school buses means they are affected by crosswinds more than other vehicles. 

This is because the force of air moving across their body creates turbulent airflow around them as well as on top of them.

Wind Damages Are Highest On Bridges And Overpasses

If you’re driving on a road, there are two major types of bridges that can get damaged by high winds:

Type #1: Bridges With Low Clearances

low clearance bridge

The space between the bridge and vehicles traveling underneath. 

These bridges are often damaged when the wind blows debris onto them from nearby roads or parking lots. 

The damage can cause potholes in the road, which makes it difficult for other drivers to see them coming up behind them in time to avoid an accident.

Tip: In general, the higher the wind speed, the better it is to keep your child at home when it's windy.

Type #2: Bridges With High Clearances

high clearance bridge

The space between the bridge and the surrounding terrain. 

This type of bridge is more likely to suffer damage from strong winds because they sit higher off-ground level. 

If it happens, then traffic may be affected by both reduced visibility conditions as well as slower speeds due to downed trees or other obstacles blocking lanes leading up toward these structures. 

The high profile of school buses means they are affected by crosswinds more than other vehicles.

Tip: Crosswinds can cause the bus to drift off course or sway, which can be dangerous for students and teachers on board.

Getting Acquainted With Unsafe Wind For School Buses

Would you like to know what wind speed is unsafe for school buses

If you’ve ever driven a school bus, you know that the wind matters. 

It can make it difficult to see and especially dangerous if you get caught in one. But what is safe for school buses?

In this post, we’ll explore how wind speed impacts our children’s safety by looking at both the national average and each state’s regulations.

In general high-speed winds pose serious risks to school buses because they can cause damage to the bus’s safety equipment and structure. 

This includes the windows and windshield wipers and makes driving difficult for drivers.

First, Know Your Wind Speed

The first thing you need to know is what wind speed means. 

Wind speed is measured in miles per hour (mph), which can be calculated by dividing the distance between two points by time. 

A wind vane measures the average wind speed over some time, usually one minute. 

Anemometers measure gusts of air, which are stronger than normal weather conditions.

use of anemometer to measure gust of wind

This is because they’re created by sudden changes in pressure at ground level (such as when thunder roars).

Secondly, Know Your Buses

The height and length of a school bus are two factors that can determine how safe it is for your students to travel. 

The weight of the bus also plays a role, but it’s not as important as these other two factors.

The speed at which you should drive your school bus depends on all these things:

  • Wind speed (the higher the wind speed, the faster you should go)
  • Weight of the vehicle (heavier buses can handle more wind than lighter ones)

There is an important relationship between wind speed and school buses.

Wind speed is a critical element in school bus safety. School bus drivers are trained to operate their vehicles safely and efficiently. 

But they also must be aware of the conditions around them. It’s important that you know how high wind speeds affect your school bus before you schedule any trips.

Tip: Windy days can be dangerous for kids on board a school bus because they can cause an accident or serious injury if they hit something while driving down the road.

Can School Be Canceled Because Of Wind?

cancelled school due to high wind speed

It’s a question that has plagued students and parents alike. 

Yes, it has happened. But as with most things in life, the answer is “it depends.”

The wind is a factor, but not the only factor. 

Most weather forecasts don’t even consider wind because it’s not that reliable. 

A storm can be measured in miles per hour (mph) or knots. (knots are units of speed used to measure the force of winds). 

The maximum sustained wind speed can vary from 6 mph with no precipitation at all up to 74 mph with heavy raindrops falling on your head.


So in conclusion: what wind speed is dangerous for school buses? 

The best thing is to take it out of service and stay home, but if you must go. 

Be sure that the windows are rolled up and keep an eye on the weather report.